On Servants' Wings
A gynandromorph butterfly with the transgender pride flag for the front wing and the rainbow pride flag on the rear wing On Servants Wings
Resources and Reflections by Azariah Liron

Thanks From Within the Storm

Blessed One, You are the eye of calm,

in the storms of my life.

You root me in creation,

as I spin from place to place.

You surround me with love,

when I feel unlovable.

You bless me with comfort,

when all I can see is pain.

You strengthen me to walk down impassible roads,

And in so doing we blaze new trails of life.

In the place of numbness,

You teach me to feel.

In the place of pain,

You bring me to hope.

When all seems lost,

You are still there.

In times of strife and blessing,

You are always with me.

In the chaos of my life,

I find security in your mitzvot.

In the confusion of this world,

I know serenity through Your Torah.

You bring life to communities,

weaving them together to enrich all strands.

I am never alone,

for You are always there.

You watered me when I was but a seed,

and I know You will guard the sapling I've become.

May I always trust in Your provision.

My I forever rejoice for the life You breath into me.

Written on May 4, 2020 as part of a workshop on Psalms run by Velveteen Rabbi through My Jewish Learning.

Copyright © Azariah Liron 2020